Custom View
Custom View allows you to build custom visualizations for your data, which can then be used as part of reports, dashboards, and workflows. Custom View also serves as your own personal dashboard view of what’s the most important in your dataset.
To access Custom View, select it from the Analyze tab inside your web form or dataset.
Once inside the Custom View, click Add Chart to begin using Chart Builder to create your first visualization. Chart Builder is covered in detail in another article.
Custom View Operations
In the upper right corner you’ll find icon buttons to add Formulas, define Bucketing, Export data, and Filter data. These features are described briefly below and are covered in more detail on separate pages.
Use the Formulas button to define new columns which are calculated from existing columns.
Use the Bucketing button to define new columns that map individual values to named ranges, known as buckets. For example, you could map city population to buckets such as "0 - 1,000", "1,001 - 5,000", etc. Or you could map USA states to buckets such as "Northeast", "Midwest", etc.
Use the Export button to export the data in CSV format or to export the charts in JPG or PDF format.
Use the Filters button to show or hide the Filters panel, where all of the defined filters are listed. Some or all of your filters can be quickly enabled, revised, or disabled. Use the Reset All link to remove all filters from custom view.
Chart Operations
Charts can be repositioned, filtered or manipulated using the controls in the chart heading.
Use the drag handle to the right of the chart heading to reposition the charts on the dashboard.
Use the filter button to the right of the chart heading to filter the chart data. See the Filtering Data page for further details.
Other Operations
Use the drop-down menu in the top-right corner of the chart to Edit, Download, Duplicate, or Delete the chart. The Download operation is available in JPG, PDF, and CSV format.